Safe or Not - Rating

It's time to take your health in your hands!

Take a photo 📸 of any product, and we'll tell you if it's safe to use or consume and details of all its ingredients.

No manual searches, no guesswork. It's so easy, even Grandma can do it!

Supports 120+ languages

Safe or Not - Demo

Our Features

We scan every calorie in your food!

Safe or Not - Ingredients Checker

Based on ingredients and nutritional information, our app will tell you how safe the product is to use or consume.

We use safety guidelines and thousands of research studies to analyze each ingredient and its quantity for a safety rating.
Safe or Not - Allergy Checker

Our app will tell you if the product contains any of the ingredient that you are allergic of.

Safe or Not - Health Score

Based on the product safety, we will give a rating for each product.

Safe or Not - Calories Breakdown

Gain better insight into the calories you’re consuming with our calorie breakdown chart.

Safe or Not - Product Ingredients

Don’t let the food industry fool you with clever marketing — we scan every calorie and ingredient to identify anything that could harm your health!

We use safety guidelines and thousands of research studies to analyze each ingredient and its quantity for a safety rating.

How does it work?

It's as easy as taking a selfie!

Safe or Not - Step 1

Step 1:

Take a photo

Take a photo of the back side of your product (it should show the ingredients and nutritional information) and upload it.


Step 2:

Get all info

It will tell you about each ingredient, how safe it is to use or consume, and provide you with a health score based on the ingredients and nutritional information.

Safe or Not - Step 2

Got questions?

Our app lets you take a photo or upload a photo of any product, then tells you how safe it is to use or consume by scanning its nutritional information and ingredients. We provide a safety rating based on our analysis.

We have trained our AI model on a database of millions of products and ingredients, achieving 99% accuracy in our analysis.

There’s no limit — you can scan as many products as you want!